rstxml2db Manual Page Version 0.5.0


$ rstxml2docbook [options] <INDEXFILE>
$ rstxml2db [options] <INDEXFILE>

Run the script either by rstxml2docbook or rstxml2db, both are the same.


rstxml2db generates DocBook 5 XML files from an index.xml file. This index.xml file is generated through the sphinx-build script with the XML builder (option -b xml). Standard options are:

-h, --help, --version

Display usage summary or script version.

-v, --verbose

Increase verbosity (can be repeated).


denotes the index file (XML) which refer all other files.


-c <CONVENTIONS>, --conventions <CONVENTIONS>

Path to filename which contains doc conventions about the document (usually <preface> or <chapter>); will replace the first chapter.

-k, --keep-all-ids

By default, IDs in a bigfile are removed if they are not referenced. This option keeps all IDs.

-l <LEGALNOTICE>, --legalnotice <LEGALNOTICE>

Path to filename which contains a legalnotice element (also included into book/bookinfo).


Number/release etc. of the product (also included into book/bookinfo).

-p <PARAM>, --param <PARAM>

single XSLT parameter; use the syntax “NAME=VALUE”, can be used multiple times.

-o <output>, --output <output>

save DocBook XML file to the given path.


  • Create a DocBook 5 XML file from index.xml and print its output to stdout:

    $ rstxml2db index.xml
  • Create a DocBook 5 XML file rom index.xml and save it to output.xml:

    $ rstxml2db -o output.xml index.xml
  • Create a DocBook 5 XML file from index.xml and use FooObfuscator as productname:

    $ rstxml2db --productname 'FooObfuscator' -o output.xml index.xml
  • Create a DocBook 5 XML file from index.xml and append legal notice from file legal.xml:

    $ rstxml2db -o output.xml --legalnotice legal.xml index.xml
  • Create a DocBook 5 XML file from index.xml, save it to output.xml, and use some parameters:

    $ rstxml2db  -o output.xml --param "a=2" --param "b=5" index.xml

See also



Thomas Schraitle <toms AT> for SUSE Linux GmbH