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Common Setup

Environment variables

MirrorCache can be configured with following environment variables:

  • MIRRORCACHE_ROOT (required): defines location of files, which needs redirection. It may be url, local folder or rsync address, e.g. MIRRORCACHE_ROOT= or MIRRORCACHE_ROOT=/srv/mirrorcache or MIRRORCACHE_ROOT=rsync:// (Note that you must install additionally perl-Digest-MD4 if rsync url needs password verification).
  • MIRRORCACHE_AUTH_URL (optional) may contain remote openid server url (default if explicitly set to empty value - all login attempt will be allowed and user set to 'Demo'.
  • MIRRORCACHE_TOP_FOLDERS (space separated values) may be set to automatically redirect /folder to /download/folder.
  • For reference of using MOJO_LISTEN variable refer Mojolicious documentation, e.g. MOJO_LISTEN=http://*:8000
  • It is recommended to run MirrorCache daemon behind another streamline WebService, e.g. Apache or haproxy. Thus MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY=1 will be needed.
  • MIRRORCACHE_REDIRECT is needed for use when MIRRORCACHE_ROOT is set to remote address. Requests will be redirected to this location when no mirror is found, e.g.
  • MIRRORCACHE_METALINK_PUBLISHER may be set to customize publisher in metalink generation.
  • MIRRORCACHE_METALINK_PUBLISHER_URL may be set to customize url of publisher in metalink generation.
  • MIRRORCACHE_BRANDING loads files from templates/branding. Use the default folder as a base for your own branding and set this environment variable to the name of the newly created folder.
  • MIRRORCACHE_VPN_PREFIX - MirrorCache will use column server.hostname_vpn for redirecting if client IP has prefix as defined by MIRRORCACHE_VPN_PREFIX.

Without any database configuration MirrorCache will attempt to connect to database 'mirrorcache' on default PostgreSQL port 5432. Following variables can be used to configure database access:

  • MIRRORCACHE_DBUSER (default empty)
  • MIRRORCACHE_DBPASS (default empty)
  • TEST_PG or MIRRORCACHE_DSN , e.g. MIRRORCACHE_DSN='DBI:Pg:dbname=mc_dev;host=/path/to/pg'` If neither TEST_PG nor MIRRORCACHE_DSN is defined, following variables are used:
  • MIRRORCACHE_DB (default 'mirrorcache')
  • MIRRORCACHE_DBHOST (default empty)
  • MIRRORCACHE_DBPORT (default empty)

GeoIP location

  • If environment variable MIRRORCACHE_CITY_MMDB or MIRRORCACHE_IP2LOCATION is defined, the app will attempt to detect country of the request and find a mirror in the same country, e.g. MIRRORCACHE_CITY_MMDB=/var/lib/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb or MIRRORCACHE_IP2LOCATION=/var/lib/GeoIP/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB5.IPV6.BIN.
  • See Maxmind or IP2Location website to obtain such file.
  • Additional dependencies must be installed as well for GeoIP location to work: perl modules Mojolicious::Plugin::ClientIP and MaxMind::DB::Reader :
    # for Maxmind
    zypper in perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-ClientIP perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader
    # for IP2Location
    zypper in perl-Geo-IP2Location

Types of install

Install package

An example for openSUSE

zypper ar -f obs://openSUSE:infrastructure:MirrorCache MirrorCache
zypper refresh -s
zypper install MirrorCache

zypper install postgresql postgresql-server
systemctl enable postgresql

sudo -u postgres createuser mirrorcache
sudo -u postgres createdb mirrorcache

# the services read environment variables from /etc/mirrorcache/conf.env by default
MIRRORCACHE_TOP_FOLDERS='debug distribution factory history ports repositories source tumbleweed update'
" >> /etc/mirrorcache/conf.env

systemctl enable mirrorcache
systemctl enable mirrorcache-backstage

Setup systemd from source

  1. Install prerequisites. The project is based on Perl Mojolicious framework and set of Perl packages. The best way to install them is to reuse zypper and cpanm commands from CI environment: t/environ/lib/Dockerfile.environ

You may skip installing MaxMind::DB::Reader and Mojolicious::Plugin::ClientIP if you don't need Geolocation detection, if you don't need MirrorCache to find a mirror in client's country. From now on it will be referenced as 'Geolocation feature'.

  1. You may need GeoIP database (optional, if 'Geolocation feature' is needed). /var/lib/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb or /var/lib/GeoIP/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB5.IPV6.BIN In such case you will also need following command in next step:

    # for MaxMind database
    echo MIRRORCACHE_CITY_MMDB=/var/lib/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb >> /etc/mirrorcache/conf.env
    # or for IP2Location database
    echo MIRRORCACHE_IP2LOCATION=/var/lib/GeoIP/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB5.IPV6.BIN >> /usr/share/mirrorcache/conf.env

  2. Setup Use following script as root for inspiration (see also t/systemd/01-smoke.t)

    # assume local PostgreSQL server is up and running with default config
    make install
    make setup_production_assets
    make setup_system_user
    make setup_system_db
    # the services read environment variables from /etc/mirrorcache/conf.env by default
    MIRRORCACHE_TOP_FOLDERS='debug distribution factory history ports repositories source tumbleweed update'
    " >> /etc/mirrorcache/conf.env
    systemctl enable mirrorcache
    systemctl enable mirrorcache-backstage
    # log into UI and provide admin rights to the user:
    sudo -u mirrorcache psql -c "update acc set is_admin=1 where nickname='myusername'" mirrorcache
    # add mirrors using UI or sql
    sudo -u mirrorcache psql -c "insert into server(hostname,urldir,enabled,country,region) select '','/pub/opensuse/opensuse','t','au',''" mirrorcache

Development setup

  1. Install prerequisites. The project is based on Perl Mojolicious framework and set of Perl packages. The best way to install them is to reuse zypper and cpanm commands from CI environment: t/environ/lib/Dockerfile.environ

You may skip installing MaxMind::DB::Reader and Mojolicious::Plugin::ClientIP if you don't need Geolocation detection, if you don't need MirrorCache to find a mirror in client's country. From now on it will be referenced as 'Geolocation feature'.

  1. You may need GeoIP database (optional, if 'Geolocation feature' is needed). /var/lib/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb or /var/lib/GeoIP/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB5.IPV6.BIN

  2. You will need PostgreSQL server running, create database for mirrorcache and create tables:

    createdb mc_dev
    psql -f sql/schema.sql mc_dev
    It is possible to run PostgreSQL on dedicated server as well.

  3. Example parameters to start WebApp:

    TEST_PG='DBI:Pg:dbname=mc_dev;host=/path/to/pg' \
    MIRRORCACHE_TOP_FOLDERS='debug distribution factory history ports repositories source tumbleweed update' \
    MOJO_LISTEN=http://*:8000 \
    script/mirrorcache daemon

  4. To start background jobs:

    TEST_PG='DBI:Pg:dbname=mc_dev;host=/path/to/pg' \
    script/mirrorcache backstage run -j 16

  5. Add mirrors using UI or sql, e.g.:

    insert into server(hostname,urldir,enabled,country,region) select '','/pub/opensuse/opensuse','t','au','';
    insert into server(hostname,urldir,enabled,country,region) select '','/pub/opensuse','t','au','';
    insert into server(hostname,urldir,enabled,country,region) select '','/opensuse','t','au','';
    insert into server(hostname,urldir,enabled,country,region) select '','/pub/opensuse','t','au','';
    insert into server(hostname,urldir,enabled,country,region) select '','/pub/opensuse','t','au','';

  6. Log in using UI and add admin privilege to the user:

    update acc set is_admin=1 where nickname='myusername';

Development setup using environ framework

environ framework provides a way to manage development setup of various products without root permissions. Such approach is useful in manual and integration testing, especially when various topologies are required. MirrorCache project uses environ framework in CI, e.g. to start several Apache instances, configure them as mirrors, try different scenarios: http/https redirection, one of mirrors is down, a file is gone from a mirror, etc.

E.g. steps 2 - 7 above using environ framework.

# Needs environ utility installed, as well templates for Apache, nginx, postgres, rsync
git clone
sudo make -C environ install
# First choose a slot to use in script, mc0 - mc9 are available, so several instances at the same time
# here we will use slot 1 => mc1, first parameter is where MirrorCache sources are located
mc=$(environ mc ~/github/MirrorCache)
# pg1-system2 will setup local instance of Postgres server with data directory in pg1-system2/dt/
$mc/gen_config MIRRORCACHE_ROOT= \
     MIRRORCACHE_TOP_FOLDERS="'debug distribution factory history ports repositories source tumbleweed update'" \



$mc/db/sql "insert into server(hostname,urldir,enabled,country,region) select '','/pub/opensuse/opensuse','t','au',''"

# check status

Run tests from t/environ with docker, manually for debugging

Note: Requires docker configured for non-root users

MIRRORCACHE_CITY_MMDB adds this environment variable inside the container and mounts it as a volume if the file exists on the host

EXPOSE_PORT maps whatever port you need from the container to host port 80

cd t/environ

# Just run the test:

# Run the test with your own MIRRORCACHE_CITY_MMDB
MIRRORCACHE_CITY_MMDB=/var/lib/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb ./

# Run the test and keep the container, while mapping port 3110 to host port 80

To log in with a fake test-user, change $mc/start to MIRRORCACHE_TEST_TRUST_AUTH=1 $mc/start in your test

Setting MIRRORCACHE_TEST_TRUST_AUTH to any number > 1 will result in current_user being undef, so no fake test-user login. You will only have access to some routes defined in lib/MirrorCache/

WARNING - Be careful when working inside container: 1. The source tree is mapped to the host, so any changes of source code inside container will be reflected on host and vice versa. 2. The container is removed automatically on next test start of the same test, so any modifications outside source tree will be lost.

Don't forget to clean up the test containers when you're done :)

Last update: January 14, 2022