Namespace: http://docbook.org/ns/docbook

The location of a callout embedded in text

co node0 co node1 & node0->node1 node72 empty node0->node72 node2 ? node1->node2 node4 & node1->node4 node67 ? node1->node67 node70 ? node1->node70 node3 role node2->node3 node5 xml:id node4->node5 node7 & node4->node7 node65 ? node4->node65 node6 ID node5->node6 node8 ? node7->node8 node13 ? node7->node13 node15 ? node7->node15 node18 ? node7->node18 node20 ? node7->node20 node22 ? node7->node22 node29 ? node7->node29 node36 & node7->node36 node59 empty node7->node59 node60 ? node7->node60 node9 version node8->node9 node10 | node9->node10 node11 5.1-subset GeekoDoc-1.0.4 node10->node11 node12 text node10->node12 node14 xml:lang node13->node14 node16 xml:base node15->node16 node17 anyURI node16->node17 node19 remap node18->node19 node21 empty node20->node21 node23 revisionflag node22->node23 node24 | node23->node24 node25 changed node24->node25 node26 added node24->node26 node27 deleted node24->node27 node28 off node24->node28 node30 dir node29->node30 node31 | node30->node31 node32 ltr node31->node32 node33 rtl node31->node33 node34 lro node31->node34 node35 rlo node31->node35 node37 ? node36->node37 node39 ? node36->node39 node41 ? node36->node41 node43 ? node36->node43 node45 ? node36->node45 node47 ? node36->node47 node49 ? node36->node49 node51 ? node36->node51 node53 ? node36->node53 node55 ? node36->node55 node57 ? node36->node57 node38 arch node37->node38 node40 audience node39->node40 node42 condition node41->node42 node44 conformance node43->node44 node46 os node45->node46 node48 revision node47->node48 node50 security node49->node50 node52 userlevel node51->node52 node54 vendor node53->node54 node56 wordsize node55->node56 node58 outputformat node57->node58 node61 its:translate node60->node61 node62 | node61->node62 node63 yes node62->node63 node64 no node62->node64 node66 annotations node65->node66 node68 linkends node67->node68 node69 IDREFS node68->node69 node71 label node70->node71
  • Child Elements:-


Namespace: -

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace

Identifies the unique ID value of the element

Data type ID
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Specifies the DocBook version of the element and its descendants

Data type enum
Parameters -
Namespace: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace

Specifies the natural language of the element and its descendants

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace

Specifies the base URI of the element and its descendants

Data type anyURI
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Provides the name or similar semantic identifier assigned to the content in some previous markup scheme

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Identifies the revision status of the element

Data type enum
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Identifies the direction of text in an element

Data type enum
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Designates the computer or chip architecture to which the element applies

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Designates the intended audience to which the element applies, for example, system administrators, programmers, or new users.

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

provides a standard place for application-specific effectivity

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Indicates standards conformance characteristics of the element

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Indicates the operating system to which the element is applicable

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Indicates the editorial revision to which the element belongs

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Indicates something about the security level associated with the element to which it applies

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Indicates the level of user experience for which the element applies

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Indicates the computer vendor to which the element applies.

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Indicates the word size (width in bits) of the computer architecture to which the element applies

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Indicates the output format (for example, print or epub) to which the element applies

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its

The Translate data category information to be attached to the current node

Data type enum
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Identifies one or more annotations that apply to this element

Data type -
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Points to one or more internal link targets by identifying the value of their xml:id attributes

Data type IDREFS
Parameters -
Namespace: -

Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes

Data type -
Parameters -