run all your test against a GitHub Pull request
This project is maintained by openSUSE
<img src=assets/images/Mesa-de-trabajo-1ldpi-2.png>
gitarro allow you to run tests on Git Hub Pull Requests (also known as PRs) using almost any script, language or binary and providing easy integration with other tools, and testing env. (such containers, cloud, VMS, etc.)
It can run on any system that is able to use ruby and octokit.
gem install gitarro
GITHUB_USER=INSERT GITHUB_PWD_OR_TOKEN=foo echo "machine login $GITHUB_USER password $GITHUB_PWD_OR_TOKEN" > ~/.netrc
sudo chmod 0600 ~/.netrc
Create a test script for running against PRs
echo "#! /bin/bash" > /tmp/
echo "exit 0" > /tmp/
chmod +x /tmp/
Run gitarro against your GitHub project.
gitarro.rb -r $YOUR_GITHUB_PROJECT -c "ruby-test" -t /tmp/ --https
Contributor and Maintainers:
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Gitarro is part of the curate list Awesome Ruby