User Guide

The git packaging workflow is currently an opt-in mechanism for submissions to openSUSE:Factory via instead of OBS. It allows packagers to maintain their package sources in the pool organization instead of on OBS. Submissions are handled via pull requests on instead of submit requests on OBS.

A bot has been setup that will automatically forward eligible pull requests as submitrequests directly to openSUSE:Factory.

Maintainer Guide


Consider adjusting the package description to alert contributors that ordinary submitrequests are no longer possible and where they should send a pull request instead.

To participate in the test drive, modify the development package in the devel project as follows:

  1. Login to using the openSUSE IDP provider.

  2. Checkout your package from the configured devel project from OBS:

osc co $(osc develproject openSUSE:Factory $pkgname)
  1. Clone your package from$pkg_name in a temporary location and switch to the factory branch.

  2. Compare your package in git (from step 2) with the package on OBS (from step 3). If there are differences, fork the package on and send a pull request to get both in sync.

  3. Modify the package meta of the devel package via osc meta -e pkg $develprj $pkgname by adding the following entry, which will automatically synchronize your package from git to OBS. This will also indicate to the openSUSE:Factory team that the package is maintained in git and that submitrequests are no longer expected to come from the devel project but via the scm-staging-bot that is mirroring pull requests.

<package name="$pkg_name" project="$develprj">
  <!-- snip -->
  1. Checkout your package again via (it should now be a git repository):

osc co $(osc develproject openSUSE:Factory $pkgname)
  1. Pull requests against the factory branch by a package or project maintainer on OBS will automatically get forwarded as submitrequests. Pull requests from all other users have to be approved by a maintainer first, before a submit request to openSUSE:Factory is created.

    Note that the factory-auto bot will decline more than one submission to the same package in openSUSE:Factory. You can thus use pull request approvals as a selection which pull request to send first.

Contributor Guide

  1. Install the obs-scm-bridge.

  2. Checkout the devel project of the package that you want to contribute to:

osc co $(osc develproject openSUSE:Factory $pkg_name)
  1. Find the package that you want to contribute to on and fork it from the repository$pkg_name

  2. Add the fork as a git remote to your osc checkout (osc co will use command:git behind the scenes):

git remote add fork$username/$pkg_name
git fetch fork
  1. Implement your changes:

$EDITOR $pkg_name.spec
osc vc -m "$CLEVER_CHANGELOG_ENTRY" $pkg_name.changes
git add ... # add the appropriate files
git commit -m "Insightful message here"
  1. Push your changes to your fork:

git push fork
  1. Create a pull request against the factory branch of the package in

  2. The user scm-staging-bot will create a submitrequest on OBS for you if your pull request has been approved by the package or project maintainer or if you are the package or project maintainer.