Chapter 3. Installing and starting Docserv²

Table of Contents

Installing Docserv²
Setting up initial configuration and starting Docserv²
Setting up target sync and email notifications

This section gives a concise overview of how to install and start Docserv². However, an integral part of using Docserv² is creating custom configuration. As such, do not expect a useful installation after following the instructions from this section. For more information about configuring Docserv², see Chapter 4, Configuration overview.

Installing Docserv²

The easiest way to install Docserv² is to install the native RPM package available for openSUSE Leap and openSUSE Tumbleweed. For example, to install on any supported version of openSUSE Leap, use:

  1. Add the openSUSE Build Service’s Documentation:Tools RPM repository:

    > zypper ar --refresh \
  2. Install the package: zypper in docserv

If you are using any other Linux-based operating system, you can use the Git repository and pip3 to install Docserv². Docserv² is not compatible with non-Linux operating systems. For information about alternative installation methods, see the repository readme.

Setting up initial configuration and starting Docserv²

This section assumes that you have installed the Docserv² RPM package.

  1. Create a directory /etc/docserv. Copy the example configuration from /usr/share/docserv/example/ to /etc/docserv/.

  2. Check whether the site configuration file /etc/docserv/docserv.ini makes sense in your context.

    • Make sure the host and port attributes within the [server] section are valid.

    • Make sure to disable email functionality via the attribute enable_mail = no to the [server] section.

    • Make sure to disable syncing targets is turned off via the attribute enable_target_sync = no to each [target_n] section.

    • Installing the Docserv² RPM package creates a user account docserv. However, this user account may not have a home directory. Some paths in the default configuration may use the path /home/docserv/. Make sure there is a home directory for the docserv user at /home/docserv/.

  3. Enable/start the Docker engine: systemctl enable --now docker.service

  4. You can now run Docserv².

    • If you are just trying out Docserv², use: > docserv my-site

    • You can run Docserv² as a service: > systemctl enable --now docserv@my-site.service

    my-site denotes the name of site configuration file. By default, that name is /etc/docserv/my-site.ini.

If all goes well, you can send a build instruction to test the installation now. For more information, see the section called “Sending a build instruction”.

Setting up target sync and email notifications

To simplify initial setup, the section called “Setting up initial configuration and starting Docserv²” disabled functionalities that depend on tools that need to be set up in addition to Docserv².

SSH setup

To be able to sync to targets (that is, publication servers), you need to set up passwordless SSH for the docserv user account to the target. Create a valid SSH setup for the user docserv (either by copying existing keys or by using ssh-keygen). Add the public key of the user docserv to the authorized_keys file of all relevant targets. Make an initial SSH connection from the build server to all relevant targets and interactively accept their SSH fingerprint.

Afterward, you can set the attribute enable_target_sync to yes in each [target_n] section.

Mail setup

To be able to receive build failure notifications, make sure the machine has a mail setup that is compatible with sendmail. Build failure notifications are sent to the email addresses listed under <maintainers/> in the product configuration. Make sure to set up valid addresses in all XML files in the /etc/docserv/product-config/ directory.