Docserv² Guide

Table of Contents

1. Overview of Docserv²
2. Terminology
Build instruction
Build server
Git source repository
Language code
Site section
3. Installing and starting Docserv²
Installing Docserv²
Setting up initial configuration and starting Docserv²
Setting up target sync and email notifications
4. Configuration overview
5. Site configuration
The [server] section
Target sections
6. Product configuration
Product metadata configuration
Docset configuration
The @lifecycle attribute of docsets
The @navigation attribute of docsets
Document references in docsets
Documents generated with Docserv², <builddocs/>
References to documents not generated within Docserv², <external/>
Docserv²-internal references, <internal/>
Identifying elements and URL generation
How Docserv² decides which documents to list in the same/multiple rows in the navigation
Generating configuration for a product with docserv-createconfig
Removing documents
Supported HTML subset
7. Navigational page templates
Site section page templates
Docset page template
Testing templates locally
8. Localization
Localization file structure
9. SSI fragments
SSI fragment file structure
SSI fragment file format features
10. Backing up Docserv² data
Maintaining, backing up, and restoring configuration files
Backing up the metadata store
Backing up Docserv² content
11. Using the Docserv² API
The dscmd command-line API client
API calls
Checking build status
Sending a build instruction

List of Figures

1.1. Docserv² overview