Chapter 7. Navigational page templates

Table of Contents

Site section page templates
Docset page template
Testing templates locally

Templates are used to add menus, footers, and similar content to navigational pages. Navigational pages are currently:

Templates are HTML files that include certain variables which allow Docserv² to insert content. Template files are not validated or handled with XML tooling in any way. This means they can contain non-HTML content such as Javascript or PHP if necessary. We advise using valid XHTML5.

All templates must be placed within the directory defined as the template_dir in the site configuration.

Docserv² will copy all content of the res subdirectory of the template_dir to docserv/res in the output path. This allows including custom CSS, Javascript, and images. Docserv² will add docserv/res/docservui.js to the output path unless the file exists in your template. If the file res/docservui.js exists in your template, that file will overwrite the docservui.js file of Docserv².

Site section page templates

Site section overview pages all pages that allow selecting a docset from a site section. The homepage is a special case of a site section overview page.

Site section page templates must follow a naming scheme:

  • default template (used as fallback, mandatory): template-section-default.[EXT]

  • template for supported docsets of a site section (optional): template-section.[SITE_SECTION].supported.[EXT]

  • template for unsupported docsets of a site section (optional): template-section.[SITE_SECTION].unsupported.[EXT]

The file extension ([EXT]) of page templates will generally be .html, though you can use other file extensions.

A minimal site section page template consists of the following elements:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Site section template</title>
var basePath = '@{{#base_path#}}';
var templateExtension = '@{{#template_extension#}}';
var pageRole = '@{{#page_role#}}';
var sectionName = '@{{#section_name#}}';
var pageLanguage = '@{{#ui_language#}}';
var omitPathComponent = '@{{#omit_path_component#}}';
    <script src="@{{base_path}}docserv/res/docservui.js"></script>
   <div id="ds-section-select"></div>

   <div class="ds-select-list" id="ds-product-select">
     <div class="ds-select-instruction">Downloading data...</div>
   <div class="ds-select-list" id="ds-version-select">
     <div class="ds-select-instruction">Select a product</div>
  • Docserv² will replace the variable definitions of the form @{{…​}} during the page-generation process. All variables shown within the <script/> element above are mandatory.

  • docservui.js must be included to make product and docset selectors work.

  • The elements in the body are necessary to make product and docset selectors work. You can add any other desired element around them.

Docset page template

Site section overview pages all pages that allow selecting a docset from a site section. The homepage is a special case of a site section overview page.

The docset page template must be named template-product.html. The file extension ([EXT]) of page templates will generally be .html, though you can use other file extensions.

A minimal docset page template consists of the following elements:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Docset template</title>
var basePath = '@{{#base_path#}}';
var templateExtension = '@{{#template_extension#}}';
var pageRole = 'product';
var pageLanguage = '@{{#ui_language#}}';
var omitPathComponent = '@{{#omit_path_component#}}';
var pageProduct = '@{{#product#}}';
var pageDocSet = '@{{#docset#}}';
    <script src="@{{base_path}}docserv/res/docservui.js"></script>
    <div id="docsetwrap" class="ds-page-wrap">
  • Docserv² will replace the variable definitions of the form @{{…​}} during the page-generation process. All variables shown within the <script/> element above are mandatory.

  • docservui.js must be included to make loading the document overview work.

  • The element in the body is necessary to make the document overview work. You can add any other desired element around it.

Testing templates locally

Docserv² XHTML template files depend on the ability to access JSON data via XHRs. To test locally whether everything works without running a server, you need to disable browser security mechanisms temporarily:

  • Firefox: In about:config, set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false.

  • Chrome: Start the browser with chromium --allow-file-access-from-files