Chapter 6. Product configuration

Table of Contents

Product metadata configuration
Docset configuration
The @lifecycle attribute of docsets
The @navigation attribute of docsets
Document references in docsets
Documents generated with Docserv², <builddocs/>
References to documents not generated within Docserv², <external/>
Docserv²-internal references, <internal/>
Identifying elements and URL generation
How Docserv² decides which documents to list in the same/multiple rows in the navigation
Generating configuration for a product with docserv-createconfig
Removing documents
Supported HTML subset

The product configuration of Docserv² is a directory of XML files that define which documents to build and which external documents to link to and where they are place within the overall structure of the site. Each XML file from the directory defines documentation for a single product (alternatively, it may also be used as a first-level category).

Internally, Docserv² validates and combines all configuration files into a single large file ("stitching"). Docserv² will re-evaluate the product configuration with each new build instruction.

A very reduced example of a product configuration file may look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<product productid="example-product" schemaversion="6.0">
  <name>Example Product</name>


  <category categoryid="example-category">
    <language default="1" lang="en-us" title="Example Category"/>

  <desc default="1" lang="en-us">
      This product is good.

  <docset setid="1.0" lifecycle="supported">
      <git remote=""/>
      <language default="1" lang="en-us">
        <deliverable category="example-category">
          <format html="1" pdf="1"/>
      <ref product="example-product"/>
      <link linkid="rn">
        <language lang="en-us" default="1" title="Extra document">
          <url format="html" href=""/>
          <url format="pdf" href=""/>


A product configuration file has the following basic components:

A longer, annotated example configuration file is available from GitHub.

Product metadata configuration

This document will not focus further on defining product metadata.

Docset configuration

A <docset/> collates all information needed to generate output documents and navigational pages for a specific product version (or second-level category).

The <docset/> element has the following basic elements:

  • Docset metadata:

    • @setid and <version/>: The docset ID which is used by the API and as a URL component, and the product version which is displayed to users.

    • The lifecycle attribute is set according to the support lifecycle of the product. It defines how and in which context the docset is displayed.

  • References to documents to build and link to

The @lifecycle attribute of docsets

The mandatory @lifecycle attribute is meant to map to the product lifecycle:

  • unpublished: Documents can only be built and published for targets marked internal and by default will carry a DRAFT watermark.

  • beta: Documents can be built and published for any target and will carry a DRAFT watermark.

  • supported: Documents can be built and published for any target and will not carry a DRAFT watermark by default.

  • unsupported: Documents can be built and published for any target and will not carry a DRAFT watermark by default. However, they will only be published within a single ZIP file, making them non-indexable for search engines. This also reduces visibility in the navigational pages, as documents will only be shown under Deprecated documents header.

The @navigation attribute of docsets

The optional @navigation attribute of docsets defines whether to create navigational pages for this docset:

  • linked (default): Create navigational pages and link them from the homepage.

  • hidden: Create navigational pages but do not link them from the homepage.

  • disabled: Do not create navigational pages, do not create a homepage link

Document references in docsets

<docset/> elements allow different types of document references, each defined within an own element:

  • <builddocs/>: DAPS-compatible DocBook and AsciiDoc Documents that Docserv² can build itself. Docserv² will define the publishing URL and extract metadata such as the document title from these documents during the build process. Docserv² will automatically create ZIP archives of these documents.

    However, to update the navigational pages for such documents, the documents need to remain buildable within Docserv², even if the product is no longer supported.

  • <internal/>: References to Docserv² navigational pages or documents defined elsewhere in the product configuration. Docserv² will extract the URL and metadata such as the document title from their original context in the product configuration.

  • <external/>: References to documents created outside of Docserv². Such documents can be located anywhere on the internet. They can also be located on the same host as Docserv²-created documents, placed in such a way that they do not interfere with the directory structure created by Docserv². URLs and document titles of such documents must be defined manually. Docserv² cannot prevent link breakage or similar issues for these documents.

Partial navigation page dependency management only

In certain cases, docset navigational pages will not update when an internal reference are removed.

Internal links can become outdated when the original document is reconfigured but the docset containing the internal reference is not specifically rebuilt after the change. Make sure to rebuild dependent docsets from which links have been removed manually.

Documents generated with Docserv², <builddocs/>

References within <builddocs/> are references to documents that are generated within Docserv² for that product version. Documents can only be generated via Docserv² if they fulfull both of the following requirements:

  • DAPS-compatible DocBook or AsciiDoc documents.

  • Hosted in a Git repository that the Docserv² build server has unauthenticated read access to (via HTTP/HTTPS).

Such documents can be configured for multiple output formats and languages.

The primary ordering principle for documents within <builddocs/> is by language. The listing of documents available in the default language (<language default="true"/>) must come first.

After the listing of documents available in the default language, you can set up translation languages (<language default="false"/>). The document listing from the default language will be used as the reference for all other languages, indirectly promoting consistency within the source documentation repositories. In translation languages, you cannot define additional documents—the set of translated documents must be a subset of the documents that exist in the primary language.

The default language is defined per docset only. If necessary, it can be different for each docset.

Within the <builddocs/> section, you must define a Git source repository using the <git/> element. Use the HTTPS-based remote address to configure Git source repositories.

This Git repository must contain all documents to generate in this product context. However, documents in different languages can use different branches and subdirectories of the Git source repository. To present documents from multiple Git repositories as part of the same product context, include the documents from the secondary repository using internal references.

For DocBook set documents and similar collection documents, you can add <subdeliverable/> elements to link to a specific ID within the set.

Each <language/> element defines <deliverable/> elements, that is, output documents. Choose which formats to enable for which document using the <format/>.

Subsequent <language/> elements, that is, references to translations can use two modes:

  • @translation-type="full": All documents available in the default language will also be generated for the translation.

  • @translation-type="list": Use <deliverable/> elements to select those documents from the default language which have a translation. Within a <deliverable/> element of a non-default <language/> element, the number of elements available is restricted to <dc/> and <subdeliverable/>, other parameters will be

References to documents not generated within Docserv², <external/>

The <external/> element collects links to documents that are not generated using Docserv². Docserv² makes no effort to ensure availability of such documents, meaning all links to them must be checked manually. Such documents can be co-hosted along with Docserv² or be on another host altogether.

For each required document, add a <link/> element to the <external/> element. A <link/> can reference documents in multiple formats and multiple languages. The primary language (<language default="true"/>) must be listed first.

Docserv²-internal references, <internal/>

Within the <internal/> element, reference documents already defined elsewhere in the Docserv² configuration. Document references (using the <ref/> element) will inherit all properties of the original document, such as available formats and languages and reduce duplication. You can also reference related product pages within this element.

References identify the document using the product ID, docset ID, and DC file/link ID.

A <ref/> can have the following structures:

  • A reference to the default docset of a product: <ref product="[PRODUCT_ID]"/>

  • A reference to a specific docset of a product: <ref product="[PRODUCT_ID]" docset="[SET_ID]"/>

  • A reference to a specific DC definition within <builddocs/>: <ref product="[PRODUCT_ID]" docset="[SET_ID]" dc="[DC_NAME]"/>

  • A reference to a specific DC definition that has subdeliverables within <builddocs/>: <ref product="[PRODUCT_ID]" docset="[SET_ID]" dc="[DC_NAME]" subdeliverable="[SUBDELIVERABLE_NAME]"/>

  • A reference to a specific external link: <ref product="[PRODUCT_ID]" docset="[SET_ID]" link="[LINK_ID]"/> The value for [LINK_ID] has to be specifically set on the corresponding <link/> element by adding the attribute <link linkid="[NAME_OF_ID]"/>. [NAME_OF_ID] must be unique within the current `<docset/> and may consist of alphanumeric characters and the characters _-..

In addition, <ref/> elements can have a category attribute which categorizes them on the target page.

Identifying elements and URL generation

Docserv² product configuration uses a number of independent identifier systems and values other values that must be unique in a certain context:

  • <product productid="[ID]"/> identifies the product and is used as a path component for that product’s documents. This identifier must be unique across all product configuration files.

  • <docset setid="[ID]"/> identifies the product version and is used as a path component for that product version’s documents. This identifier must be unique within the context of each product configuration file.

  • <category categoryid="[ID]"/> identifies categories that are used to sort documents on docset navigational pages and can appear as an ID in HTML documents. This identifier must be unique within the contextof a product configuration file.

  • Language names (@lang attributes) are checked for uniqueness within the context of their parent element. For example, there must only be a single US English (en-us) product description (<desc/>) for a product/first-level category (<product/>). Likewise, within a <builddocs/> section, the @lang attributes' values of <language/> elements must be unique.

  • DC file names (<dc/> attributes) must be unique within the <language/> that contains them. After removing the DC- prefix, DC file names are used as path components. These identifiers can be used for <internal/> references to generated documents.

  • <link linkid="[ID]"/> is an optional identifier for <external/> links. These identifiers can be used for <internal/> references to such links.

  • URLs referenced within external links (<link/>) elements must be unique within the context of the docset they are used in.

How Docserv² decides which documents to list in the same/multiple rows in the navigation

Docserv²'s navigation pages groups certain documents generated from different DC files into the same table row. This section explains how those groupings come to exist.

One of the design requirements of Docserv² was keeping DocBook’s internal cross references (<xref/>) intact as much as possible within documents for a single product. This can be done by using DocBook set documents that contain all books/articles published for a certain product. However, publishing DocBook set documents is only practical for the regular (chunked) HTML format. For single-HTML, PDF, and EPUB, sets are generally too heavyweight. This means Docserv² has to build both set documents and individual book/article documents, depending on the document format. This created the challenge of displaying all formats of a document in the same table row despite having been built separately.

To allow handling this display issue, Docserv² uses docserv-dchash which performs the following on a DC file:

  1. Allows replacing the ROOTID parameter (which is what separates a set from a book it contains)

  2. Strips DC files to their main constituting parts (MAIN, ROOTID, PROF…​ profiling, and ADOC_ATTRIBUTES parameters)

  3. Creates an MD5 hash of the resulting reduced, sanitized file.

If the same MD5 sum is generated for different DC files, their build results will be displayed together. For example, the HTML output of a subdeliverable in the Docserv² product configuration (in docserv-dchash’s eyes, a set’s DC file with its `ROOTID replaced) along with the single-HTML and PDF of the equivalent book. In turn, this means that innocuous-seeming differences between one of the PROF…​ parameters or the ADOC_ATTRIBUTES parameter may be consequential for the Docserv² output. (Another hitch is categorization within the Docserv² product configuration file: Both the <subdeliverable/> of the set and the <deliverable/> for the book must be categorized the same way.)

Generating configuration for a product with docserv-createconfig

To add a new product, you can use the tool docserv-createconfig This tool works well to create draft configuration files for repositories that follow the following conventions:

  • The main branch is called master.

  • Maintenance branches for previous product versions are named maintenance/[PRODUCT_VERSION].

  • Translations for documents are available in branches named trans/[PRODUCT_VERSION].

  • DC files for documents in the primary language are kept in the root directory of the repository.

  • A DC file named with its name ending in -all references a set of books and articles.

Its usefulness degrades the fewer of these conventions are implemented in the Git source repository.

To add a new product, proceed as follows:

  1. Install Docserv² locally or clone the Docserv² Git repository and create a developer setup.

  2. Clone the product documentation repository that you want to create a configuration file for. Make sure this repository has no uncommitted changes in it. The tool used in the following steps needs to be able to change branches freely.

  3. On the command line, navigate to your product configuration directory.

  4. Run docserv-createconfig [PATH_TO_REPO_CLONE]

  5. Follow the instructions.

  6. docserv-createconfig will output the file name of the generated file at the end. Open this file and make any necessary finishing touches, such as removing unnecessary branches and setting up document translations and external links.

Removing documents

  • To remove an entire product definition, remove the corresponding XML file from the product configuration directory

  • To remove a docset, a language, or a deliverable element, remove the corresponding elements from the appropriate XML file.

Output documents removed from the configuration are not deleted automatically in all cases

Docserv² will remove individual documents that have been removed from the product configuration with the next successful rebuild of the respective docset. However, when an entire docset or product definition is removed from the product configuration, Docserv² will not automatically remove associated content. Docserv² will no longer link to such content from the homepage.

To remove such content from the site entirely, delete it from the backup_dir for the target that is defined in the site configuration. The relevant directories are:

  • The content within each language-specific directory (la-ng/, the section called “Language code”) for the respective product or docset.

  • The metadata stored in docserv/data for the respective product or docset.

Supported HTML subset

Certain elements in the schema support the use of a restricted XHTML subset. Notably, the <desc/> element for product descriptions and <category/> descriptions support XHTML. Because your XHTML is nested within a XML document, it must also be valid XML. It must not use SGML-only structures, such as unclosed tags. You cannot use SGML-style short tags such as <hr>, instead use an XML-style self-closing tag, <hr/>. Validation of XHTML structures is otherwise minimal, ensuring flexibility.

The following XHTML elements are allowed:

  • Block elements: <p/> (a paragraph), <div/> (a generic block), <pre/> (preformatted text), <ul/> (an unordered list), <ol/> (an ordered list), <li/> (a list item), <dl/> (a definition list), <dt/> (a definition term), <dd/> (a definition), <h1/>, <h2/>, <h3/>, <h4/>, <h5/>, <h6/> (first-level to sixth-level headlines)

  • Inline elements: <sup/> (superscript), <sub/> (subscript), <s/> (struck-out text), <u/> (underlined text), <q/> (quoted text), <em/> (an emphasis), <a/> (a link, supports href attribute), <strong/> (a strong emphasis), <code/> (monospaced text), <cite/> (a cited title), <span/> (a generic inline)

All elements support using @id and @class attributes which can be used for CSS styling. XHTML @id elements are not checked for uniqueness. CSS styles can be applied using template CSS.