Chapter 5. Site configuration

Table of Contents

The [server] section
Target sections

The site configuration file of Docserv² is an INI file that defines basic parameters, such as:

It consists of a [server] section and 1 or more [target_n] sections (n can be any integer).

The default site configuration for Docserv² is named /etc/docserv/my-site.ini. To choose a differently-named .ini file from /etc/docserv, pass a parameter to the docserv command. For example, to use the file /etc/docserv/my-other-site.ini, use:

> docserv my-other-site

Restart Docserv² after each change to the site configuration

Whenever you change any aspect of the site configuration file, you must restart the docserv process. This is unlike all other Docserv² configuration which will be re-evaluated during each build instruction.

The [server] section

The server section defines global attributes for Docserv². It accepts the following attributes:

host = localhost
port = 8080

repo_dir = /home/docserv/docserv-repos/
temp_repo_dir = /home/docserv/docserv-temp-repos/

valid_languages = en-us de-de fr-fr
max_threads = 8

enable_mail = no
loglevel = 0

The section identifier.

host (host name) and port (integer)

Specify using these attributes where to run the API endpoint of Docserv². The API endpoint is used to trigger builds and check build status.

repo_dir (directory path)

Specifies the directory that is used to permanently cache remote Git repositories. Git repositories in this directory persist across builds and instances of the Docserv² process.

This attribute allows using a relative path, based on the directory containing the site configuration file.

temp_repo_dir (directory path)

Specifies the directory that is used to temporarily cache specific Git branches. When receiving a build instruction, Docserv² will clone an individual branch of a Git repository from repo_dir. It will then build using the data from temp_repo_dir. This prevents branch checkout collisions during builds and other problems. After the build instruction has run through, the temporary branch clone is deleted.

This attribute allows using a relative path, based on the directory containing the site configuration file.

valid_languages (language codes, space-separated)

Specifies the overall list of language codes recognized as valid by this instance of Docserv². Language codes must use the format la-ng (see also the section called “Language code”). Languages codes must be specified separated by spaces.

Independent sets of language code definitions

Docserv² uses two independent sets of language code definitions:

  • A set of language codes valid for documents and navigational pages (this attribute, global)

  • A set of language codes that navigational pages are created for (languages attribute, target-specific)

max_threads (integer or max)

Specifies the maximum number of threads to use for Docserv². You can specify either a number, such as 4 or use max to use as many threads as there are logical CPU cores.

In any case, the upper limit to the number of threads is the number of logical CPU cores.

enable_mail (boolean)

Specifies whether to send build error reports via email. Allows the values yes (default) and no. If enabled, the build server must have a valid sendmail setup.

loglevel (integer)

Specifies which types of messages to log via stdout (when running interactively) or on the system log (when running as a daemon). Allows the values 0 (warnings only), 1 (warnings and informational messages), or 2 (all messages including debugging messages).

Target sections

Docserv² supports reuse of the same docserv process to synchronize to multiple target servers. Each of those target servers is defined in its own target section. All or a subset of target servers can share certain parts of their configuration by sharing the specific configuration directories, if desired.

name = internal
active = yes
internal = yes

enable_target_sync = yes
target_path = ssh://user@server:/srv/www/htdocs
backup_path = /home/docserv/target-internal/

config_dir = /etc/docserv/config.d/
template_dir = /etc/docserv/templates/
server_root_files = /etc/docserv/server-root-files-internal
default_xslt_params = /etc/docserv/xslt-params.txt

enable_ssi_fragments = yes
fragment_dir = /etc/docserv/fragment-internal
fragment_l10n_dir = /etc/docserv/fragment-l10n-internal

server_base_path = /
canonical_url_domain =

draft = yes
remarks = yes
meta = no
# build_container = ...

languages = en-us
default_lang = en-us
omit_default_lang_path = no

site_sections = section-a section-b
default_site_section = section-a

zip_formats = pdf epub single-html

The section identifier which needs to start with target_, followed by an integer.

name (string)

Name of the target that is used to identify the target in the API and in internal messages. The name should consist of alphanumeric ASCII characters and must not contain spaces. The name must be unique among target names within this site configuration file.

active (boolean)

If this attribute is set to yes, Docserv² will allow building documents for this target.

internal (boolean)

If the target is set up as an internal target, Docserv² will allow building docsets that are marked as unpublished via their lifecycle value. It also means that navigational pages will be created for such docsets.

enable_target_sync (boolean)

Whether to automatically synchronize to the target Docserv² only supports synchronizing the entirety of content available from the backup_path to the target_path. Depending on the amount of content available as part of your site, doing a full synchronization can take very long and block subsequent builds.

target_path (directory path)

The target path defines where content is published. This can be a local or an SSH URL. Whenever Docserv² finishes a build instruction, it will update the content at this path using rsync.

If you use an SSH connection, make sure to set up non-interactive SSH login to the server before trying to use Docserv². That means, the SSH key of the build server’s docserv user must be set up in the .ssh/authorized_keys file of the target server. For more information, see the section called “Setting up target sync and email notifications”.

backup_path (directory path)

Local path that contains all publication-ready content. Whenever Docserv² finishes a build instruction, it will update the content at this path before updating target_path.

This attribute allows using a relative path, based on the directory containing the site configuration file.

config_dir (directory path)

Directory containing product configuration. The product configuration defines which documents can be built within this instance of Docserv².

This attribute allows using a relative path, based on the directory containing the site configuration file.

template_dir (directory path)

Directory for overview page templates.

This attribute allows using a relative path, based on the directory containing the site configuration file.

server_root_files (directory path)

Directory containing files to copy to the server’s root directory, such as robots.txt, .htaccess, or favicon.ico.

This attribute allows using a relative path, based on the directory containing the site configuration file.

default_xslt_params (file path)

Defines a file containing XSLT parameters that will be applied to all documents built within the context of this target. This parameter must define a file to use for this purpose. However, it can point at an empty text file. An example for such a file could look like this:


Not all characters are safe to use within this file. Parameter names must match the character set [a-zA-Z0-9-_.]. Parameter values must match the character set [a-zA-Z0-9:/-_.]. There must not be spaces around the = character. Use line feed (\n) characters to separate lines.

This attribute allows using a relative path, based on the directory containing the site configuration file.

enable_ssi_fragments (boolean)

Fragments allow using localized Server-Side Includes (SSIs) as part of templates. This allows reuse and localization of certain XHTML snippets. Using fragments is optional. To disable fragments, set enable_ssi_fragments to no. If enable_ssi_fragments is set to yes, the parameters fragment_dir and fragment_l10n_dir are required as well.

For more information about SSIs, see Chapter 9, SSI fragments.

fragment_dir (directory path)

Directory that contains localizable XHTML fragments. Only necessary if enable_ssi_fragments is enabled.

This attribute allows using a relative path, based on the directory containing the site configuration file.

fragment_l10n_dir (directory path)

Directory that contains localization strings for XHTML SSI fragments.

This attribute allows using a relative path, based on the directory containing the site configuration file.

draft (boolean)

Adds a DRAFT watermark for all documents within this target. This uses the DAPS option --draft.

This option can also be enabled depending on the lifecycle value of a specific docset or manually for a specific document. If this option is specified here, it cannot be disabled using other configuration.

remarks (boolean)

Enables display of the content of DocBook <remarks/> elements for all documents within this target. This uses the DAPS option --remarks.

This option can also be enabled manually for a specific document. If this option is specified here, it cannot be disabled using other configuration.

meta (boolean)

Add meta information (XML ID and source file name) to documents within this target. This uses the DAPS option --meta.

This option can also be enabled manually for a specific document. If this option is specified here, it cannot be disabled using other configuration.

build_container (container image reference, optional attribute)

This option can be used define a specific container image to be used for building documents from this target. By default, the container image to use is defined to be the default of daps2docker.

You can also define a container reference for a specific docset from within the product configuration.

languages (language codes, space-separated)

Languages that will navigational pages will be generated for. This set of languages must be a subset of the languages defined for the server in valid_languages. Language codes must use the format la-ng (see also the section called “Language code”). Languages codes must be specified separated by spaces. This set of languages must be a subset of the set defined in the attribute valid_languages.

default_lang (language code)

The default language of navigational pages. The language code must use the format la-ng (see also the section called “Language code”). The language code defined here must be part of the languages defined in languages.

Independently from this setting, Docserv² also allows defining a different default language for each docset and for each external link. These settings are part of the product configuration.

omit_default_lang_path (boolean)

Whether to omit the path component for default_lang from internal links by default. For example, if the default_lang is defined as en-us, the path component en-us/ will be omitted from internally-created links. Using this option will only lead to usable website if you also implement support for this path omission in the HTTP server configuration of that target.

server_base_path (directory path)

Relative root path of the Docserv² content on the publication server. Used for relative resource paths within the navigational XHTML pages.

canonical_url_domain (protocol and host name)

Protocol and domain name to use for <link rel="canonical"/> tags. Always omit server_base_path and generated path from this attribute.

site_sections (site section identifiers, space-separated)

Sections of the published site. Each section gets an own top-level navigation page. Product configuration files can be assigned to a site section using the <product site-section="…​"/> attribute. The order of sections in this attribute determines the order of the sections on the site.

For more information about XHTML templates needed for site sections, see the section called “Site section page templates”.

default_site_section (site section identifier)

The default site section is used as the top-level index.html page.

zip_formats (format identifiers, space-separated)

Docserv² automatically creates ZIP files for documents built internally. ZIP files are docset-specific and language-specific. ZIP files only include documents in the formats defined within this attribute. This attribute allows a space-separated list of values that can include html, single-html, pdf, and epub.